An increasing number of basic but widely-used applications, including email clients, word processors and calendars are becoming available on PCs as web-based applications. If this trend spreads to smartphones, will a smartphone need any on-board apps except the browser?
Steve Litchfield plots useful functionality against price and reckons that most smartphones are just about 'bang on'. He also notes the breadth of Nokia's range and the presence of 'flagship' devices...
Steve Litchfield wonders whether the move towards auto-focus cameras on smartphones was a 100% positive one, in the wake of criticism from friends and family!
Too many mobile phone network operators are behaving in a parasitic way that hurts customers and manufacturers, protected by a number of myths and misunderstandings. Why do customers let them get away with it, and why didn't Apple's Steve Jobs take them on when the iPhone gave him the chance?
The Sony Ericsson W950 turned heads in the Symbian world. It turned head in the regular mobile phone market. The trick, as Ewan discovers here, is to concentrate on the latter and not the former.
Steve Litchfield wonders why the whole concept of 'Settings and Preferences' in an application, or even in S60 as a whole, can't be enhanced and mirrored by a initial setup wizard that asks just one simple question...