Nokia's CC-3046 case for the 808 gets my 'tweak' officially!

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Far be it from me to be saying to Nokia's accessory team "I told you so", but... it seems that, following my damning criticism of the official CC-3046 case for the Nokia 808 PureView for blocking out the device's speaker and my subsequent DIY hack, Nokia has now (cough) redesigned the CC-3046 and new examples of the case in retail have a slot in the appropriate place! Photo proof below from a recent Amazon purchase (thanks Paul!)...

Here's the new case design. Firstly, the pop-off camera island cap, complete with neatly machined slot (and internal seal to stop dust getting in too much to the rest of the island...

CC-3046 case redesign from Nokia for the 808

CC-3046 case redesign from Nokia for the 808

And here's the new CC-3046 design in place, with 808 speaker output completely unimpeded.

CC-3046 case redesign from Nokia for the 808

All good to see, though you have to wonder how on earth the original design got past Q&A...!!