Just as interestingly, the Nokia team on stage mentioned several times about the Lumia 925 shooting 'crisper' and 'sharper' images than the existing 920. Let's hope so.
Here's the lens assembly, artistically broken down:
No mention, even as a comparison, was made at the Lumia 925 launch event of the Nokia 808 or PureView phase 1 - which was disappointing, if not entirely surprising. And the next camera phone head to head I do will of course be the Symbian-powered 808 vs the Windows Phone-powered 925 - place your bets on an outcome? Note that, as usual, I'll be trying a diverse set of test shots and use cases. Can a F/2.0 OIS camera shooting at ISO3200 match Xenon flash? This should be rather intresting!
Other relevant highlights (for Symbian users eyeing up an upgrade) are that there are also the twin HAAC mikes, hopefully used in stereo by Windows Phone GDR2, plus the same 808-grade loudspeaker. Downsides of the 925 are the continued use of sealed memory (a paltry 16GB for everything - very 2010) for most models, plus a sealed battery, one of my pet hates.
See the full AAWP story for photos and impressions, etc.