More on the Q10 - a natural Nokia E6 upgrade?

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You may remember that I recently put the new Blackberry Q10 and the existing Nokia E6 communicator head to head? The outcome was positive for the Q10, with cutting edge internals, despite feelings about the sideways jump from Symbian to the still immature Blackberry OS 10. I've now been able to give the Q10 the full Phones Show review treatment, embedded below for the interest of existing Nokia E6 owners. Do you think this is your next smartphone? Or is it best to play a waiting game?

As usual, maximise the playback window and quality to match your bandwidth:

The biggest problem I've had (as an E6 owner) is that I can't find equivalents on Blackberry OS 10 for all the software I depend on in Symbian. The biggest two are the lack of a good podcatcher and the absence of either SafeWallet or Handy Safe Pro. Until both are sorted, despite the faster device and superior hardware in almost all regards, I don't think I could switch my SIM card.... yet.

What about you?

Source / Credit: The Phones Show