AAS Podcast #14:: Rafe Blandford interviews UIQ CEO Johan Sandberg

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Rafe catches up with UIQ CEO JOhan Sandbeg at 3GSM.

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Duration: 00:24:39

Show Notes

Show Notes:

Most of our 3GSM coverage came from having Rafe Blandford on the ground in Barcelona, and while he was there he managed to grab a number of interviews for the All About Symbian Podcast. We'll start with an in-depth conversation with the CEO of UIQ, Johan Sandberg. With the annoucnement of the Motorola Z8, arguably the UIQ devices managed to steal a bit of thunder from the wings of the new Nokia Enterprise devices. But UIQ Technology (now owned completely by Sony Ericsson) is on a mission with UIQ, and Johan explains what it is, and more.

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