The Nokia N97 gets v21 and further tweaks

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Well, it missed the original rumoured deadline (last Thursday), but it's here now - v21.0.045 firmware for the Nokia N97 (classic), available via NSU as a 143MB download, featuring 'better call reliability and smoother touchscreen scrolling'. Comments welcome if you can add to the changelog/overview below. In view of the limited free space on disk C:, see below for my installation recommendations. (The previous firmware version was v20, the first to bring in Symbian^2-like full kinetic scrolling in all screens.)


1. Back up your data to memory card, using the tool in File manager on your N97.

2. Install v21 via Nokia Software Update on a Windows PC. Over-the-air updates to v21 will be available 'shortly'.

3. All your data *should* be maintained, but I'd strongly recommend doing a hard reset afterwards anyway, i.e. *#7370# from the homescreen dialler. 

4. Restore your data (but not settings) from your memory card, again in File manager.

5. Set up any email/Internet/Bluetooth settings/pairings as needed.

What's new

The software contains many fixes and improvements on the earlier releases including:

  •  More free RAM after booting
  •  Improved call reliability
  •  Smooth touchscreen scrolling
  •  Browser improvements (among other changes, the toolbar stays out of the way more)
  •  Music player improvements
  •  Cleaner default (black) theme
  •  Improved image and video stability 


  • After a hard reset, there's now 53MB free on disk C:
  • After removing the Facebook and AccuWeather homescreen widgets, the N97 now boots up with around 59MB of RAM free
  • Disappointingly, Ovi Maps 3.3 (free) isn't in the firmware, though of course, it's an easy add-on from 'Software update' on the device, from or from the Ovi Store.

Steve Litchfield, AAS