The E6 gets my video review treatment in Phones Show 144

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Phones Show 144 is out this morning - and I mention it only because the main feature is my hands-on video review of the Nokia E6. Rolling in all my thoughts on this device into one easily-digested nine minute chunk of your time. Summary: it's the best built phone I've ever handled - yet I still can't recommend it to everybody. See below for the embedded video and salient links.

From the show 144 page, here's the show, embedded at slightly smaller size to suit AAS's page layout. To view at full size and quality, start it playing, click on the '360p' button and then on '720p' and maximise the window to full-screen as needed:



See also our Nokia E6 coverage here on AAS: review part 1 (hardware)part 2 (software)part 3 (enterprise) and part 4 (multimedia).