GMail, standalone, on any phone

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Using GMail in a web browser has always been a bit clumsy. Ewan's taken a shine to Google's dedicated Java-based GMail client on his Nokia N95. OK, so Java's slow to load and clumsy, but Google's mini app is well designed and has some lovely touches.
"Now hold on a second, I hear you all think, why are you reviewing the java midlet version of Google Mail when you’ve been praising the ‘low bandwidth’ web version (at, which will pick up your phone as a mobile device and serve the page accordingly)? A couple of reasons, to be honest.

The first is that while the web version does the job, I’m not a great fan of the Nokia Browser, and navigating everything from a cursor/mouse interface does leave a little to be desired. I’m also not fond of it splitting up long emails over a number of pages."